
Keyboard Shortcuts for Mecabricks


Combo Command
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo

Viewport and Graph Panel

Combo Command
A Select all / Deselect all
B Start box select tool. Elements in the box will be added to the selection. Press shift to remove them
C Take viewport screenshot
D Clone selection
E Show/Hide empty panel
F Flexible Part Tool (only active for flexible parts like rubber band, flex tube, etc.)
H Hide selection
ALT + H Show everything
I Invert selection
J Group selection
Alt + J Ungroup selection
L Show/Hide lamp panel
M Toggle between translation and rotation gizmo
P Select pivot point
Q Toggle between small, medium and large transformation grid
R + (X or Y or Z) + numerical value Rotation along selected axis in the global or local space
S Select snap point
T + (X or Y or Z) + numerical value Translation along selected axis in the global or local space
V Toggle between Global and Local Space
W Display selection tools
Z Toggle between shaded, shaded with edges and wireframe mode
Combo Command
CTRL + Left Click Add or remove element to or from the selection
Combo Command
NUMPAD 8 or 2 Translate along Z axis
NUMPAD 4 or 6 Translate along X axis
Page Up or Page Down Translate along Y axis
Combo Command
← or → Rotate selection 45° along Y axis
↑ or ↓ Rotate selection 45° along X axis
Home or End Rotate selection 45° along Z axis (keys next to page up and page down keys on an apple keyboard)
Combo Command
Esc Deactivate selected tool / Cancel rotation or translation
Ctrl + Click Add or remove a part/group to the selection
Combo Command
Numpad 5 Toggle between Perspective and Orthographic projection
Numpad 9 Toggle between Turntable and Trackball orbit style
Numpad 0 Reset the position of the camera
Ctrl + Numpad 3 Left view
Numpad 3 Right view
Ctrl + Numpad 1 Back view
Numpad 1 Front view
Ctrl + Numpad 7 Bottom view
Numpad 7 Top view
Numpad . Center selection or scene
Space Change camera orientation
Combo Command
Del or Bak Delete selection

Flexible Tool

Combo Command
B Box select: add to selection
B + Ctrl Box select: remove from selection
I Inverse selection
A Select all / Deselect all
Click + Ctrl Add / Remove Anchor point to / from selection
E Extrude first or last anchor points
D Divide curve joining two anchor points
DEL or BAK Delete anchor points
S Snap anchor point or solid part selected

Animation Editor

Combo Command
A Select all nodes
B Start box select
Ctrl + C Copy selected nodes
D Duplicate selected nodes
G Move selected nodes
I Invert node selection
Ctrl + V Paste nodes previously copied
Combo Command
Numpad . Center selection
Numpad 0 Reset diagram position
Numpad 1 Reset diagram zoom
Combo Command
Del or Bak Delete selected nodes

As Printable Image

Built with Scroll v173.0.0