ICS: A Measure of Intelligence ============================== by Breck Yunits https://breckyunits.com Breck Yunits June 6, 2024 HTML | TXT https://breckyunits.com/intelligence.html HTML https://breckyunits.com/intelligence.txt TXT Can we quantify intelligence? Yes. {Intelligence}(P) = \frac{\text{Coverage}(P)}{\text{Size}(P)} Intelligence(P) = Coverage(P) / Size(P) Program P is a bit vector that can make a bit vector (Predictions) that attempts to predict a bit vector of actual measurements (Nature). Coverage(P) is the sum of the XNOR of the Predictions vector with the Nature vector. Intelligence(P) is equal to Coverage(P) divided by Size(P). *** If programs A and B are the same size, the program with more coverage is more intelligent. If they have the same coverage, the smaller program is more intelligent. **** Related Posts ============= ETA!: A Measure of Evolution ============================ 07/18/2024 https://breckyunits.com/eta.html PTCRI: An Equation about Syntax Potential ========================================= 05/31/2024 https://breckyunits.com/ptcri.html Counting Complexity =================== 12/20/2017 https://breckyunits.com/countingComplexity.html A Grammar Notation For Tree Languages ===================================== 09/10/2017 https://breckyunits.com/aGrammarNotationForTreeLanguages.html Tree Notation: an antifragile program notation ============================================== 06/21/2017 https://breckyunits.com/treenotationPaper.html